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FESALOS is affiliated to the following international bodies:

World Council of Credit Unions


The World Council of Credit Unions (World Council or WOCCU) is the leading international trade association and development agency for credit unions and cooperative financial institutions. Visit

Association of Asian Confederation of Credit Unions


The Association of Asian Confederation of Credit Unions (ACCU) is a regional member based organization of credit unions and cooperatives in Asia. ACCU works in partnership with its members to strengthen and promote credit unions as effective instruments of socio-economic development of the people.  Visit

Oceania Confederation of Credit Union Leagues

The Oceania Confederation of Credit Union Leagues (OCCUL) is the peak body for credit unions in the Pacific providing support services and representation. This network body was founded by delegates of Pacific Island countries that attended the Pacific Credit Union Technical Congress of 2008 and 2009. Visit


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