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FESALOS is affiliated to the following national bodies:

Port Moresby Chamber of Commerce & Industry (POMCCI)


The Port Moresby Chamber of Commerce & Industry (POMCCI) is the peak body for businesses in Papua New Guinea’s capital city, Port Moresby. As well as representing its members’ interest to government, POMCCI provides a wide range of services to its members. Visit for more information. 

Papua New Guinea Institute of Banking & Business Management


Papua New Guinea Institute of Banking & Business Management is the longest established private sector training organization in PNG and is recognised as the Nation’s most prestigious provider of pragmatic, cost-effective training in administrative, finance, banking, commerce, supervisory and management skills since 1965. Visit for more information. 

Papua New Guinea Institute of Directors

Papua New Guinea Institute of Directors aims at promoting good governance in PNG by setting appropriate professional and ethical standards for Directors and Members, encouraging PNG Directors to attend training, provide consultancy services to assist in governance and recognise member’s contributions to good governance. Visit  for more information.


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